Remembering Our Grandfathers’ Exile – from Hawaii
Sat. 4/17, 1PM – 2PM PT. by Professor Gail Y. Okawa. National Japanese American Historical Society & Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation. Click here to register Buy book with 20%…
Japanese Voices of Angel Island
Sat. 4/10, 11 AM – 12 Noon. by Professor Charles Egan. National Japanese American Historical Society & Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation. Click here to register Click here to purchase…
DOR 2021 Calls to Action and Organization
Here is the list of the organizations and Calls to Action mentioned in the Day of Remembrance Program!: Tsuru for Solidarity 3/6/21: Youth Speaks Immigration Event- 3/20/21: Open Meeting-…
Special DOR Webinar: What Does It Mean To Be An American?- Saturday February 20th at 10 a.m. PT
Dear Friends:As many of you know February 19th marks the Day of Remembrance, the day President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 in 1942 that led to the incarceration of…
National Veterans Network Virtual Series- Saturday February 13 at 11:00am HI, 1:00 pm PT, 3:00pm CT, and 4:00pm ET
Click the link to view the premiere
Virtual Broadcast: Bay Area Day of Remembrance 2021 – February 19 @6:00-7:30 PM PST
A Virtual ZOOM Event All are welcome! ON-LINE REGISTRATION REQUIRED PROGRAM : Keynote Speaker: Rev. Arnold Townsend . Associate Minister, Church Without Walls , Vice President, San Francisco NAACP Emcees:…
Virtual Broadcast: Mihara’s Braille Board program
50 Objects and NJAHS invite you to “Mihara’s Braille Board” Date & Time: Sat. Jan. 23, 11 a.m. to 12 noon PST Guests: Sam Mihara, Nob Mihara and Linda Mihara…
John Tateishi, Author of REDRESS – A Behind-the-Scenes Perspective
Date & Time: December 19, 2020 from 11am – 12 noon. A leader in the JACL Redress campaign, John Tateishi shares his intimate knowledge of the behind-the-scenes fight for redress,…
Race & Resilence: the Story of Buffalo Soldiers and Nisei Solders in Beyond Pearl Harbor, a virtual Event
LIVE Virtual Event: Race & Resilience: the Story of Buffalo Soldiers and Nisei Solders in Beyond Pearl Harbor LIVE Sessions Sunday, December 6, 2020 10AM HST, 12 PST, 2 MST,…