United States. Army. Western Defense Command and Fourth Army. Final Report, Japanese Evacuation from the West Coast, 1942. Washington 1943, p. 254.
The Granada Relocation Center (U.S. government name) was administered by the War Relocation Authority. More widely known as Amache, the concentration camp’s post office, Amache was located on the Colorado prairie, 140 miles east of Pueblo. According to the U.S. Army, its 10,500 acres extended into Kansas. The majority of the private land acquired was part of the X-Y ranch founded by Fred Harvey. Water stock was bought from Lamar Canal and Irrigation Company and the X-Y Irrigation Ditch Company. Amache’s core was laid out according to the standard plot plan, but the barracks were built on concrete slab foundations or with concrete perimeter foundations with brick floors; the barrack siding was fibre board or asbestos instead of tar paper. Construction began on June 12, 1942 and the camp was operational by the end of August 1942. The maximum population of Amache was 7,318 and the concentration camp closed on October 15, 1945.