

NJAHS would like to thank the 5th grade students at Bridges Academy at Melrose for visiting the MIS Historic Learning Center this past February. Every student was well behaved, attentive, appreciative, and willing to learn! Not only did they understand the historical significance of the Japanese American Concentration Camps, they were able to relate it to current day events. This inspired all of us at NJAHS. We are so happy to see young minds aware of what is happening in the world around them.


One student commented, “Dear President Biden, I want the war to stop in Palestine. I don’t like when I see them in pain,” and another asked, “Why didn’t you accept people with different colors as equal?” These comments show just how important it is to encourage critical thinking at a young age.

We would like to thank their teacher Ann Park for organizing the trip, and the parent volunteers who attended.

(201) Thank you slides — NJAHS