The Military Intelligence Service Association of Northern
California (MIS NorCal) is a nonprofit veterans organization
dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and dissemination
of the history and activities of the MIS during World War
II and in postwar military/civilian operations.
MIS NorCal conducts educational programs, sponsors
and participates in patriotic events, and provides recreational
activities for its members and their families and friends.
Association members meet annually to discuss
new projects and issues, vote, and engage in social activities.
Officers are elected every two years.
Contact Information

c/o National Japanese American Historical Society
1684 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94115-3604
misnorcal@njahs.org |
Following an MIS reunion in 1970, the association
was established to honor the memory of this special military
intelligence unit by educating the public about MIS experiences
as well as functioning as a support group for MIS veterans
and their families. Over the years, the organization has grown
to more than 350 active members, with the majority of its
membership residing in Northern California.
The association has worked with local and national
organizations as well as individuals to fulfill its goals
and objectives. Past and current affiliations include Lyn
Crost, Go
For Broke Foundation, Joseph Harrington, Japanese
American Veterans’ Association, National
Japanese American Historical Society, Stanford
Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education,
and gayle yamada of Bridge
Media Incorporated.
MIS NorCal Projects
About This Web Site
As part of its educational mission, MIS NorCal
began the web project to make available the biographies and
records of the military intelligence specialists that are
part of the archives at the National Japanese American Historical
Society. Funded by a grant from the California
Civil Liberties Public Education Program (CCLPEP) and
private donations from members and friends, the web project
not only shares MIS veterans’ personal stories, but
also serves as a portal to comprehensive information about
the unit and a conduit for further research about the wartime
Project leadership includes MIS NorCal members:
Sukeo “Skeets” Oji (Project Director),
Harry Fukuhara, Fred Kitajima, and Walter Tanaka.
The project development team consists of:
Gary Otake, Mindee Kashiwagi, Scott Hoshida,
Paras Dagli, Mami Yamamoto, Suz Takeda, and Amy Cheng.
Other Recent Projects
Past projects of MIS NorCal include the following:
Pacific War and Peace, Americans of Japanese Ancestry
in Military Intelligence Service", 1941-1952,
co-written with the National Japanese American Historical
Society |
Fellowship Program, including the video, "Fifty Years
of Silence: The Untold Story of Japanese American Soldiers
in the Pacific Theater, 1941-52", produced by Sheryl
Narahara |
and Patriotism: The Story of Japanese American Military
Intelligence Service" (video) |
Courage: Patriotism and Civil Liberties" (video) |
For more information and to order these
publications or videos, visit the NJAHS
web site.
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